Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Winter-Proof Beauty Tips

Noticed how difficult it's been to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails these days? When the body is constantly exposed to the cold dry wind, hair starts to break off resulting in those horrifying split ends, nails chip and crack under the slightest of pressure and skin begins to lose shine and luster.No, the coarse winter weather is not always kind to us.Here are some cool tips on how to keep yourself looking beautiful and brilliant in the face of harsh winter weather!

Grease Lightning

When the hair is nice and clean and it's all done drying, most people get to this point and think they're finished. Not hardly. Now it's time to add a little touch of sheen to your tresses.The cold tends to dry out hair so deep conditioning your hair at least once a week is advisable.Try also a moisture deep Recovery hair mask, specialized in treating dry, thirsty hair. Apply just a small amount once a week and see a major difference in absolutely no time.
Skin: Face, Hands and Feet
These are the biggest problem areas because they're the most vulnerable to the cold weather.The key is to always keep these areas moisturized, moisturize them on occasion throughout the day. For these issues, I propose using a moisturizing lipstick or vaseline.They will make your lips feel soft and smooth instantly. In regards to hands and feet, I suggest using a good scrub and a daily dose of a lotion with moisturizing abilities.
Tough As Nails Another dilemma we seem to face in winter weather is the damaging of fingernails.First and foremost, clean your nails. Fill a small bowl with warm water and a drop of liquid hand soap; use a fingernail brush to lightly scrub nails clean; soak fingernails in water for a few minutes as you continue brushing; switch hands and repeat. After that, dry off and file nails down, smoothing away any rough or chipped edges, making them straight and even as possible.
Now comes the fun part. Paint your nails. Nail polish helps to keep fingernails healthy and prevent breakage. If you rather not apply color, apply a clear base coat, let that dry, apply another clear coat on top and you're done. If you prefer nail colors, apply a clear base coat first. Let that dry. Then, carefully and smoothly apply one coat of the color nail polish of your choice. Let it dry thoroughly for approximately 30 minutes. When that coat is done go ahead and apply the last and final clear and shiny top coat to prevent your polish from chipping too soon.
So don't let the crude winter air get the best of your beauty. Use these effective and simple tips and be ready for anything Mother Nature might blow your way!

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