Application of Watermelon face Packs
The best way to utilize the watermelon is to use it as a face pack, especially after a hot summer days' outing.
Watermelon Face Pack 1: Try this invigorating watermelon face pack to give your face the cool, clean and youthful look. Take one cup of watermelon pulp and apply on face and neck. Rinse face and neck after 15 minutes. Your skin becomes soft and supple.
Watermelon Face Pack 2 - ‘For sunburns and suntans’: Prepare a watermelon and cucumber face pack by mixing equal proportions of watermelon and cucumber pulp and leave it on your face for twenty minutes.
This face pack heals the sunburns and lightens your complexion.
Watermelon Face Pack 3 – ‘Cleanser’: Dust and pollution closes the pores of your skin and makes it look dull and dark. Just rub watermelon and mint leaves frozen into ice cubes all over the face to open the pores. Your face will be fresh and clean in no time.
Watermelon Face Pack 4 – ‘Grated Watermelon Scrub’: Squeeze out the juice from grated watermelon and mix with a pinch of gram flour. Apply the paste on the face and leave it for fifteen minutes. The pulp is an excellent scrub and leaves your skin glowing!
Yes, watermelon is the perfect solution to your beauty aspirations!
and do you know that the traditional breakfast meal in Greece and some parts of Turkey, and at our home is watermelon and white cheese or as known in Greek
summer is coming and the karpouzi is coming...
Watermelon's season is summer, so in a way, it's kinda fitting that it can help as a suntan and sunburn cure. That's pretty neat. A perfect addition during a visit to the beach, if you think about it like that.
ReplyDelete-Donna Parsley