- Never think of yourself too seriously. Don't put pressure on yourself to be perfect! If you don't have restrictions on yourself, it gives you more room to just let yourself flow creatively. Don't worry about being perfect.
- Find a place that inspires you and that will help spark your creativity. Maybe you like a place that is quiet and feels private to you, such as the outdoors - calm, serene, and beautiful. Or maybe you have a bright colorful room that makes you feel artistic. Maybe you like starry nights - whatever it is, revel in it!
- Experiment with different mediums. Never be afraid to try something new. If you want to try sculpting, go for it! If you don't like it, you can always just stop. But how will you know whether or not you're a secret writing/painting/sewing genius if you never try it?
- Meditate. Relax. Get away from the outside world. Forget about the grocery shopping you have to do. You are in your own personal space -- be with yourself.
- Find examples. If you think you might be interested in art, go to an art museum or find artists online. If you like writing, read a variety of books and investigate classical authors. It's a type of self-education, and it's what separates the true intellectuals from everybody else: a willingness to explore, learn, and discover.
- Consider starting a journal to use everyday. It doesn't even have to be the kind of journal that you write in. It could be a doodle journal, or a sketch journal, or a poetry journal. Just use it to record your emotions day-to-day, in a place where no one can see them if you don't want them to.

- Be yourself! Even though you are consciously trying to be more expressive, it doesn't mean that you have to act like a totally different person.
- Find that one thing that is very much YOU, whether it be math or drawing or the tango! Be unique in your own way and find youself deep in what you like to do.
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