With the advent of central heating and air conditioning systems, as well as extensive choices in electronic entertainment (computers etc.), many people have come to feel somewhat detached from outdoor environments. All the above, shift the ionic balance in homes to a more positive one —and, in the case of ions, negativity is actually healthier. Spending occasional time outdoors restores the balance of a healthy body and mind!
People who get to spend time outdoors in temperatures near 22 C degrees tend to be happier and also have better memory than those who spend time outdoors in less optimal conditions, or those who consistently stay indoors in nice weather!
This may be due to the fact that in human bodies sunny weather triggers the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which brings people into a more alert and cheerful state. Bad weather, in contrast, triggers the release of melatonin, which makes people sleepy. Humidity and extreme temperatures also affect human emotions. Psychologists Howard and Hoffman discovered that as humidity increases above normal levels, so does sleepiness. Additionally, researchers have surmised that there is a definite connection between hot temperatures and aggression. (Source:helpingpsychology.com)
So go out and enjoy the sunny days!
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